EcoStruxure Panel Server is a Wireless Concentrator and Modbus Gateway, Datalogger and Energy Server, providing connection of wired or unwired smart IoT devices to edge control software or cloud application. Connect wireless devices from Schneider Electric such as PowerTag Energy, PowerLogic HeatTag, Power Tag Ambiant, Power Tag control and others. Connect most of Modbus/RS485 and Modbus/TCP devices from the market including PowerMeters and Protection devices from Schenider Electric. User friendly web-pages offer first-level of monitoring of measurements of all the conected devices including log of all alarms. Simple troubleshooting or the system through embedded web-pages with advanced diagnostic informations and logs . Easy commissioning through embedded web-pages or with EcoStruxure Power Commissionig that will offer commissioning reports and advanced features. The gateway can be DIN rail mounted in a modular enclosure. It has IP20 connectors, IM40 front face nose and IP30 on others faces. Two 10/100 Base-T ethernet RJ45 connectors. Modbus RS485 open-style connector. One connector for external Wi-Fi/wireless network antenna. Connector for two Digital Inputs for dry contact or WAGES. Direct cellular connection through external LTE router connected through Ethernet or Wi-Fi.

Safety First

The safety of a workforce is paramount in all workplaces, particularly the safety of workers exposed to electrical hazards that have the potential to cause harm. At Exigo safety is a way of life and we are committed to provide the highest standards of safety for our workforce.